Call for Directors

The Association of Women Lawyers is accepting applications from women lawyers who are interested in joining the Board of Directors.  Applications may be submitted by email to The Association of Women Lawyers, c/o Rani Wong, at no later than noon on November 20, 2019.  All applications must include a copy of your resume and a short statement outlining the reason for your interest in joining the Board.
The AWL Nominating Committee will review all applications and include up to 8 applicants in the slate of Directors it recommends for election at the AWL Annual General Meeting at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at the offices of Gowling WLG (Suite 1600, 421 – 7 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB).
The Board Member Expectations are below for your reference.
Association of Women Lawyers (AWL) Board Member Expectations
1. Each director shall prepare for, attend, and participate in at least 8 out of the 10 regular Board of Director’s meetings scheduled throughout the year.
2. Each director shall sit on at least one (1) Board Committee and be an active participant of that committee. The Chair of each committee is responsible for arranging regular committee meetings and leading them.
3. Each director shall prepare for, attend, and participate in the Annual General Meeting of AWL.
4. Each director shall attend at least two (2) AWL events per year.
5. Each director shall review and be familiar with the mission statement and bylaws of AWL.
6. Each director shall review and assess their individual contribution and satisfaction as a board member each year. Each director will be contacted by a member of the Board of Director’s Executive prior to the AGM each year to canvass whether the director intends to stand again for election and to discuss that director’s self-assessment.
7. Each Director shall promote AWL and its mission in their circles of influence.