• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• Mothers in the Law In-Person Playdate (March 19, 2023) – The AWL Mothers in the Law Group aims to connect and support mothers who are currently practicing law and mothers who are on maternity leave. Bring your child(ren) or come on your own for the playdates. All are welcome!
• Mystery Lunch (April 19, 2023) – join 5 other members for lunch at a mystery restaurant for an opportunity to meet and network with other women lawyers in a variety of practice areas and stages.
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• Racialized Lawyer Dinner Series (May 1, 2023) – the AWL introduced this dinner series to provide mentorship, support and camaraderie to women lawyers from racialized or marginalized groups. The dinners are open to all AWL members and friends who identify as a member of a racialized/marginalized group, as well as members who would like to provide mentorship and support as allies.
• Networking Night (May 10, 2023) – the AWL is hosting a networking event for members at Café Alchemist (850 – 2nd Street SW), a locally owned, locally sourced, made from scratch, café in downtown Calgary. Café Alchemist was the 2023 Reader’s Choice Runner- Up for Best Restaurant of 2022. Come join your fellow AWL member for an evening of good conversation and networking.
• Book Club – join other members in a quarterly book club to read and discuss an agreed- upon reading list, meet new people, and share new perspectives.
• Mothers in the Law In-Person Playdate (May 27, 2023) – The AWL Mothers in the Law Group aims to connect and support mothers who are currently practicing law and mothers who are on maternity leave. Bring your child(ren) or come on your own for the playdates. All are welcome!
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• RiverWalk Stroll (June 3, 2023) – join fellow members for a morning walk along the RiverWalk to reconnect with AWL colleagues and meet new ones (weather permitting).
• Allyship, Diversity and Inclusion Series – the AWL is excited to continue its Allyship, Diversity and Inclusion series launched in 2021. Topic and speaker(s) to be announced.
• Spring Celebration (June 15, 2023)– a night to celebrate new women lawyers that joined the Calgary bar during 2022. Come join us in celebrating our newest members.
• Mystery Lunch (June 21, 2023) – join 5 other members for lunch at a mystery restaurant for an opportunity to meet and network with other women lawyers in a variety of practice areas and stages.
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• RiverWalk Stroll – join fellow members for a morning walk along the RiverWalk to reconnect with AWL colleagues and meet new ones (weather permitting).
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• RiverWalk Stroll – join fellow members for a morning walk along the RiverWalk to reconnect with AWL colleagues and meet new ones (weather permitting).
• Golf Tournament (August 11, 2022) – Join AWL for the Annual Golf Tournament! Every year this event provides a great opportunity to get outdoors, network with clients and colleagues, and enjoy a fun day of golf. The golf tournament is one of AWL’s longest standing and most successful annual events. Members are invited to play and to invite colleagues and clients to join them.
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• RiverWalk Stroll – join fellow members for a morning walk along the RiverWalk to reconnect with AWL colleagues and meet new ones (weather permitting).
• Book Club – join other members in a quarterly book club to read and discuss an agreed- upon reading list, meet new people, and share new perspectives.
• Mystery Lunch – join 5 other members for lunch at a mystery restaurant for an opportunity to meet and network with other women lawyers in a variety of practice areas and stages.
• Racialized Lawyer Dinner Series – the AWL introduced this dinner series to provide mentorship, support and camaraderie to women lawyers from racialized or marginalized groups. The dinners are open to all AWL and CMLA members and friends who identify as a member of a racialized/marginalized group, as well as members who would like to provide mentorship and support as allies.
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• Allyship, Diversity and Inclusion Series – the AWL is excited to continue its Allyship, Diversity and Inclusion series launched in 2021. Topic and speaker(s) to be announced.
• Networking Evening – the AWL is hosting a networking event for members at a locally owned business to support Calgary-owned small businesses and provide an opportunity for members to network with others in the legal community.
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• Racialized Lawyer Dinner Series – the AWL introduced this dinner series to provide mentorship, support and camaraderie to women lawyers from racialized or marginalized groups. The dinners are open to all AWL and CMLA members and friends who identify as a member of a racialized/marginalized group, as well as members who would like to provide mentorship and support as allies.
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
• Book Club – join other members in a quarterly book club to read and discuss an agreed- upon reading list, meet new people, and share new perspectives.
• Mystery Lunch – join 5 other members for lunch at a mystery restaurant for an opportunity to meet and network with other women lawyers in a variety of practice areas and stages.
• Mothers in the Law Online Zoom Playdate – the last Tuesday of every month, Wilma Shim hosts a play date by Zoom from 1 to 2 pm. Members are welcome to bring their children or join on their own.
JANUARY (2024)
• Canmore Retreat (January 26 – 28, 2024) – join the AWL Board and members for a weekend of professional discussion, relaxation and great company.